04 dezembro 2011

E, para a sua tarde de domingo, o brasileiro

Marcelo Camelo

Doce Solidão



Morreu o Sócrates
de que todos gostávamos

A elegância, a classe e a filigrana no futebol,
a coragem da oposição à ditadura militar brasileira
e também, para quê escondê-lo,
um dos futebolistas na
época mais admirado por tantas mulheres no mundo.

Mundial de 1982: golo contra a Escócia

mais aqui.

03 dezembro 2011

Um grande poeta chileno

Nicanor Parra
(Prémio Cervantes 2011)

El hombre imaginario
vive en una mansión imaginaria
rodeada de árboles imaginarios
a la orilla de un río imaginario

De los muros que son imaginarios
penden antiguos cuadros imaginarios
irreparables grietas imaginarias
que representan hechos imaginarios
ocurridos en mundos imaginarios
en lugares y tiempos imaginarios

Todas las tardes imaginarias
sube las escaleras imaginarias
y se asoma al balcón imaginario
a mirar el paisaje imaginario
que consiste en un valle imaginario
circundado de cerros imaginarios

Sombras imaginarias
vienen por el camino imaginario
entonando canciones imaginarias
a la muerte del sol imaginario

Y en las noches de luna imaginaria
sueña con la mujer imaginaria
que le brindó su amor imaginario
vuelve a sentir ese mismo dolor
ese mismo placer imaginario
y vuelve a palpitar
el corazón del hombre imaginario

Um livro estrangeiro por semana

de Jonathan Hansen

Edição da Will & Hang, 448 pgs., 19,53 $

Apresentação do editor:«
An on-the-ground history of American empire :
Say the word “Guantánamo” and orange jumpsuits, chain-link fences, torture, and indefinite detention come to mind. To critics the world over, Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, is a striking symbol of American hypocrisy. But the prison isn’t the whole story. For more than two centuries, Guantánamo has been at the center of American imperial ambition, first as an object of desire then as a convenient staging ground.
In Guantánamo: An American History, Jonathan M. Hansen presents the first complete account of this fascinating place. The U.S. presence at Guantánamo predates even the nation itself, as the bay figured centrally in the imperial expansion plans of colonist and British sailor Lawrence Washington—half brother of the future president George. As the young United States rose in power, Thomas Jefferson and his followers  envisioned a vast “empire of liberty,” which hinged on U.S. control of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. Politically and geographically, Guantánamo Bay was the key to this strategy. So when Cubans took up arms against their Spanish rulers in 1898, America swooped in to ensure that Guantánamo would end up firmly in its control. »

Porque hoje é sábado (313 )

Zulya e
the Children of the Underground

A sugestão musical deste sábado
incide na cantora russa Zulya Kamalova,
radicada na Austrália,
e na sua banda The Children of Underground.

02 dezembro 2011

Fundos de pensões da banca e segurança social

Para se perceber bem  a marosca...
... é fundamental ler aqui na íntegra a declaração hoje feita por Jorge Pires, da Comissão Política do PCP. Um extracto que já diz muito: «
Este é de facto mais um grande negócio para os banqueiros, apesar das suas reclamações. Desta forma teremos a Segurança Social a pagar as reformas a partir do próximo dia 1 de Janeiro – em 2010 o valor destas reformas totalizou mais de 600 milhões de euros -, mas nem um só euro dos fundos a transferir entrará nas contas da Segurança Social. Esta é mais uma operação de descapitalização da Segurança Social, cujas consequências não deixarão de ser utilizadas no futuro para justificar mais medidas restritivas nos apoios sociais. (...)».

Era uma vez a nossa juventude

Nos 70 anos de
Paul Simon e Art Garfunkel

Paul Simon nasceu em  13.10.1941
Art Garfunkel nasceu em 5.11.1941

Bridge Over Troubled Water

"J. Edgar" (Hoover)

Um novo filme de C. Eastwood
sobre um grandecíssimo sacana

Sobre o filme, aqui na revista In These Times,
o artigo «The Secrets, lies and elisions of J. Edgar»

Nos bastidores

Histórias de banksters

«Imagine you walked into a bank, applied for a personal line of credit, and filled out all the paperwork claiming to have no debts and an income of $200,000 per year. The bank, based on these representations, extended you the line of credit. Then, three years later, after fighting disclosure all the way, you were forced by a court to tell the truth: At the time you made the statements to the bank, you actually were unemployed, you had a $1 million mortgage on your house on which you had failed to make payments for six months, and you hadn’t paid even the minimum on your credit-card bills for three months. Do you think the bank would just say: Never mind, don’t worry about it? Of course not. Whether or not you had paid back the personal line of credit, three FBI agents would be at your door within hours.

Yet this is exactly what the major American banks have done to the public. During the deepest, darkest period of the financial cataclysm, the CEOs of major banks maintained in statements to the public, to the market at large, and to their own shareholders that the banks were in good financial shape, didn’t want to take TARP funds, and that the regulatory framework governing our banking system should not be altered. Trust us, they said. Yet, unknown to the public and the Congress, these same banks had been borrowing massive amounts from the government to remain afloat. The total numbers are staggering: $7.7 trillion of credit—one-half of the GDP of the entire nation. $460 billion was lent to J.P. Morgan, Bank of America, Citibank, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley alone—without anybody other than a few select officials at the Fed and the Treasury knowing. This was perhaps the single most massive allocation of capital from public to private hands in our history, and nobody was told. This was not TARP: This was secret Fed lending. And although it has since been repaid, it is clear why the banks didn’t want us to know about it: They didn’t want to admit the magnitude of their financial distress. (...)»( Ler o resto aqui na Slate.com)